Slavic Slammers - Benchwarmers

Ostatní - 31.01.2019 21:30 - 22:45

Tato akce se již konala

Ano, přijdu (6): juanmabernabeu, Arsh, Zelo, Shawnkemp, danooo, MC Lubo

Ne, nepřijdu (4): clouseau, fred, Jirka, hulkast

Diskuze k akci

Přispívat do diskuze mohou jen přihlášení uživatelé.

Osobní profil Shawnkemp | 31.01.2019 15:20
Arsh I am picking up Lubo at Schuman at 20:50, so I can drive you too. I can take also your friend, but I imagine that due to security restrictions at school he will have to send his data in advance, so better verify this with Juan or with the school.
Osobní profil Zelo | 31.01.2019 14:43
Kamil, we can win this one (maybe) please do not make the Ambassador sad
Osobní profil Zelo | 31.01.2019 14:42
Hi Arsh, I cannot guarantee I can take you today, because I have a meeting and might be coming from a different place, but the address is this:,4.4824817,17z/data=!
Osobní profil Arsh | 31.01.2019 13:06
Anybody who can give me and a friend a lift today to the court for the match?
If not, please share the address
Osobní profil Kamil_m | 31.01.2019 10:05
Ambassador Zelo - I will try my best. I am hosting an event from 19h-21h will rush over there after (have my stuff in the car)
Osobní profil Arsh | 30.01.2019 23:09
A friend would accompy me just to see the game as he is staying at my place for a couple of days
Would it be possible for someone to pick us and drop through a feasible spot for anyone of you?
Thanks a lot in advance
Osobní profil Zelo | 30.01.2019 19:19
7 with you Kamil. M.
Are you coming? WE need you!
Osobní profil Kamil_m | 30.01.2019 19:17
How many are we?
Osobní profil Zelo | 30.01.2019 18:15
Guys, we still need at least one guy. Kamil M, are you coming?

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